Table of Contents


Table of ContentsClose

1. ipython

1.3. Add new line (Emacs mode)

Ctrl+O → Ctrl+N

1.4. IPython con vim

ipython --TerminalInteractiveShell.editing_mode=vi → quizás se puede hacer algo aquí para meter copiado con p
Adding a new line now is <normal mode> o

1.5. Jupyter con vim


A two-way integration between Vim and Jupyter. Develop code on a Jupyter notebooke without leaving the terminal. Send lines from Vim to a jupyter qtconsole


Use the same terminal for everything. The main reason for this plugin is to reuse the terminal easily. All commands open a terminal if one does not already exist. REPL commands open a terminal and the proper REPL if not already opened.


  1. Features

    REPL plugin and Jupyter-Notebook alternative for (Neo)Vim

    • Support neovim floatwin and vim8 popupwin
    • Manage multiple terminal instances
    • Customizable terminal window style
    • Switch/preview floating terminal buffers using fuzzy-finder plugins such as denite.nvim or fzf, etc.
    • Use with other external command-line tools(ranger, fzf, ripgrep etc.)
    • Use as a custom task runner for asynctasks.vim or asyncrun.vim

1.6. Lanzar kernels (servidores)

  • ipython3 kernel

      To connect another client to this kernel, use:
          --existing kernel-493545.json
  • jupyter kernel

      [KernelApp] Starting kernel 'python3'
      [KernelApp] Connection file: /home/julian/.local/share/jupyter/runtime/kernel-4794e14e-da0f-4241-ba67-eed8409ad07a.json
      [KernelApp] To connect a client: --existing kernel-4794e14e-da0f-4241-ba67-eed8409ad07a.json
  • cpyvke-launch-ipython

1.7. Debugging en Python con Dap
beginning with version 6.0 ipykernel supports the debugger adapter protocol and uses debugpy underneath.

1.9. Conectarse con clientes

  • jupyter qtconsole --existing kernel-493545.json
  • jupyter console --existing kernel-493545.json
    • Hay que hacer antes pip install jupyter-console

1.11. Hacer lo mismo que SPC h en IPython

Con este atajo de teclado, abrir documentación de funciones con autocompletado

1.12. Usar IPython como interfaz común a múltiples kernels

1.13. pymacs v2

1.15. GitHub - willmcgugan/rich: Rich is a Python library for rich text and beautiful formatting in the terminal.
Colores bonitos para todos los objetos de Python

1.16. Async Ipython

1.16.1. leriomaggio/async-ipython-magic: Async IPython Magic for Asynchronous Notebook Cell Execution

1.16.2. davidbrochart/akernel: Asynchronous, reactive Python Jupyter kernel.

Author: Julian Lopez Carballal

Created: 2024-10-21 Mon 09:15